First test from my new Galaxy Note 2

Ok, so I bought the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 smartphone two weeks ago and I have to admit that I’m quite impressed by the performance and the freakin’ big display. This is first test entry from this super smooth Android device – that might be paranoid ( part of my signature on this phone ).

Watch out this space for a brand new sound production….. #ableton rules!

New Mixcloud: Staying Awake on a Saturday Afternoon With Rock, Roll and Trip Hop

This brand new mix is here to keep you awake on a day that could not exist in this fast-paced society we’re living in. Sit back, put them headphones on and enjoy the loud ride. It’s fun be 30++ isn’t it?

Staying Awake on a Saturday Afternoon With Rock, Roll and Trip Hop by Csk on Mixcloud