– my personal site – my personal site

I created this site some time ago. FTP account set, one more time. I want to redesign this site and add a couple of features.

From back in the day when I had my own tiny netlabel, I still have some excellent contacts to musicians worldwide.

So the idea is, to kind of bring a part of it back to life.

Let’s wait, code and see.

Tuned in to Roots Manuva and just about to login to

As I am using Spotify Premium, it’s quite tricky to obtain a certain amount of strategic targeting in terms of new music. Playlists are fun, yeah, so I keep creating them, but I didn’t find the right time to sort them in an intelligent way yet.

So basically, I’m dragging complete albums to the playlists section. It’s ok for now. Here’s the plan: reducing complete albums and sorting songs to fit certain moods and states of mind.

The current mood? Hip-hop-ish. Tuned in to a Roots Manuva album. I’ve seen him and his crew perform at a festival in Cologne some time ago. There was this party after the festival ended. It’s was quite impressive: seeing mister Roots Manuva making his way through the crowd.

I don’t know which of his sensors were still working properly, but he made it. I wish I had take a snapshot, just for you guys to see what I’m talking about. I don’t know what kind of drugs he had been taking – it was quite a sight. Never mind.

So now I’m tuned in to his album “4everevolution” – switching to some of his classic tunes. Like: “Tears” – from “Dub Come Save Me”!

And in the meantime, I did some photo processing:

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Coming up: logging in to my account to get an extra dose of inspiration.

What in the World are They Spraying – feat. Guy Williams, Jr. – [new music]

Hey guys, I haven’t updated this site for quite a few years now. So I thought, a couple of decades ago: let’s work on a new track with U.S. spoken word artist Guy Williams, Jr.

Ok, two weeks have passed. I haven’t slept for hours. Time to finish this day with an extra posting about my Fake Plastic Heads.

Fact: Guy’s an extremely talented artist! We’ve worked a couple of years ago on an album (2006/2007).

As time passed (sort of) – we had more to say, audio-visually speaking.

Turn up that volume and enjoy this brand new production:


Acrylic on Canvas – New Painting For My Upcoming Release (Fake Plastic Heads)

So yesterday I took a couple of hours off from work and started to paint again – which I haven’t done for quite some time now. I finished a painting within an hour or so. Then I put it aside. After having ice-cream with my daughter earlier today, I came back home and took a photo of the painting (with my new camera – Canon).

Then, I hooked up my graphic tablet to the computer and started finishing the artwork.

Take a look at the result:

Artwork for my Fake Plastic Heads release

Next thing coming up: I will be finishing the production of my new Fake Plastic Heads EP within the next couple of weeks. For this brand new release, I will use this painting for the album cover. I’m thinking about self-releasing the album via Bandcamp. We’ll just have to wait and see.

In the meantime, you can check out two of my Bandcamp releases here.

See you around!