– my personal site – my personal site

I created this site some time ago. FTP account set, one more time. I want to redesign this site and add a couple of features.

From back in the day when I had my own tiny netlabel, I still have some excellent contacts to musicians worldwide.

So the idea is, to kind of bring a part of it back to life.

Let’s wait, code and see.

Motion Graphics – Example Nr. 303 – “Room 606” @Radar5Media

This motion graphics experiment was made with Maxon’s Cinema 4D. I built a room and placed a couple of objects inside. After working with keyframes to make the animations, I rendered the short clip and imported it to Adobe Premiere. Once there, I added one of my own sound samples and worked with a couple plugins to achieve this certain look.

Take a look and enjoy this tiny ride into a slightly different setting.

Brand New Photos From The Chiemsee Rocks Festival 2013 – With Deftones and Sick of it All

We’ve been at the Chiemsee Rocks Festival in Übersee on Wednesday, August 21st!

We’ve seen bands like SICK OF IT ALL, DEFTONES and CALLEJON and had an absolutely fantastic time!

Here’s a tiny gallery with a couple of shots:

My Webdesign and Motion Graphics Demo Reel 2013 – Radar Five Media

This is my new webdesign and motion graphics demo reel, with a couple of projects from the past few months.

For more info, check out  and

The song used is my own production:

Fake Plastic Heads – The Prey [Original Mix]


Itchycoo Records presents: (my) Fake Plastic Heads – Untitled Oxygen [Advanced]

This is the new track for the upcoming Fake Plastic Heads EP.

It will be released by London-based label Itchycoo Records:

More info about Fake Plastic Heads:

For booking, please contact: or

Live shows will be announced soon!


Legal notice: all footage used is in the public domain. (source: Wikimedia Commons)


Brand New Song: Why Are You On This Planet (Ambient Instrumental)

Ok, I’ve been exatly in the mood for this one today – so I’d like to share my new track with you “guys”.

Take a seat, sit back and enjoy the ride. Think of space, light, energy, anti-chaos and all the other super-smooth “stuff” that’s creating this world we’re living in.

Note: I created one beat layer out of field recordings I made earlier this week (some rain sounds). Production software: Ableton Live.