An Abstract Ride: Fake Plastic Heads – The Prey [Original Mix] via Soundcloud

Hey folks, I’ve finished a brand new song last weekend. So now I want to share it with you guys, because this is a song (full length) from a possible new upcoming Fake Plastic Heads release. Details will follow!

Stay tuned and enjoy the ride. You headphones – it’s “built for them”.



Brand New Song: Why Are You On This Planet (Ambient Instrumental)

Ok, I’ve been exatly in the mood for this one today – so I’d like to share my new track with you “guys”.

Take a seat, sit back and enjoy the ride. Think of space, light, energy, anti-chaos and all the other super-smooth “stuff” that’s creating this world we’re living in.

Note: I created one beat layer out of field recordings I made earlier this week (some rain sounds). Production software: Ableton Live.