Acrylic on Canvas – New Painting For My Upcoming Release (Fake Plastic Heads)

So yesterday I took a couple of hours off from work and started to paint again – which I haven’t done for quite some time now. I finished a painting within an hour or so. Then I put it aside. After having ice-cream with my daughter earlier today, I came back home and took a photo of the painting (with my new camera – Canon).

Then, I hooked up my graphic tablet to the computer and started finishing the artwork.

Take a look at the result:

Artwork for my Fake Plastic Heads release

Next thing coming up: I will be finishing the production of my new Fake Plastic Heads EP within the next couple of weeks. For this brand new release, I will use this painting for the album cover. I’m thinking about self-releasing the album via Bandcamp. We’ll just have to wait and see.

In the meantime, you can check out two of my Bandcamp releases here.

See you around!


Brand New Song: Why Are You On This Planet (Ambient Instrumental)

Ok, I’ve been exatly in the mood for this one today – so I’d like to share my new track with you “guys”.

Take a seat, sit back and enjoy the ride. Think of space, light, energy, anti-chaos and all the other super-smooth “stuff” that’s creating this world we’re living in.

Note: I created one beat layer out of field recordings I made earlier this week (some rain sounds). Production software: Ableton Live.